Starting Marathon Infinity in vidmaster mode on linux

A few days ago I installed Marathon Infinity for some multiplayer games. I wanted to practice a bit first, but sadly it is not possible to start a multiplayer game alone, so the only way to get some fast action is to play singleplayer in vidmaster mode.

This resulted in another problem. I could not figure out the button combination to trigger vidmaster mode on linux. After some minutes searching I was quite frustrated, but thankfully the Aleph One source is available, and the source revealed:

static bool has_cheat_modifiers(void)
	SDL_Keymod m = SDL_GetModState();
#if (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__))
	return ((m & KMOD_SHIFT) && (m & KMOD_CTRL)) || ((m & KMOD_ALT) && (m & KMOD_GUI));
	return (m & KMOD_SHIFT) && (m & KMOD_CTRL) && !(m & KMOD_ALT) && !(m & KMOD_GUI);

Based on this, vidmaster mode on linux is activated by holding SHIFT and CTRL while clicking BEGIN NEW GAME, and sure enough:

Pledging hard here

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Hacker and developer that loves to explore topics related to informatics, software engineering, mathematics, graphics, games, science.