Using NetBird with my reMarkable 2

drop bear
Should not have bought that drop bear repellent 🤯, better let him chew on some bits…

No drop bears or reMarkables were harmed making this post, but yours might be if you do nonsense like this. At least take a picture of the reMarkable ssh details before you start and proceed at your own risk.

I really like my reMarkable 2, but the default setup has some shortcomings. The cloud connect thing works nicely, but I want my backups in one place where I am in control. Currently that is my Synology.

My current setup is that my devices connect to the Synology using SSH keys. I do not want my Synology exposed to the world, so my devices are in a Wireguard network with the Synology. The setup of connections is managed using NetBird. To connect my reMarkable I would need to install a NetBird client on it, add a SSH key, then start using rsync to send files to the Synology. Should be easy…

NetBird client

The reMarkable cpu has an arm processor, and runs a version of Linux made for the reMarkable. It turns out that device supports armv7, so the NetBird client can not be the armv8 one, but rather the armv6 one. NetBird had me covered.


Once installed it seemed to connect fine, but then it stops working, and netbird status said “missing tun” or something like that.

I had experienced this before, so I tried to enable the kernel module tun. Sadly there is no tun on the reMarkable, an issue in reMarkable linux explains this.

Challege accepted! So began an adventure in cross compiling the tun module. Checking out reMarkable Linux got me the branch rm1xx_5.4.70_v1.3.x, which I eventually figured out was the latest release, and the correct branch for this.

Then I needed a cross compiling toolchain. Initially I got a wrong one, and builds would work, but tun would not install on the reMarkable with some really weird errors. Eventually I got the correct toolchain. It can be installed on Ubuntu doing:

sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-none-eabi

With the toolchain in order, Linux build configuration was the next hurdle. At first I struggled with full menuconfig, but a much easier way to configure Linux for the remarkable is to use the existing remarkable 2 (arch/arm/configs/zero-sugar_defconfig) config. I duplicated that and added CONFIG_TUN=m. Then did:

make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-eabi- my-zero-sugar_defconfig
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-eabi- drivers/net/tun.ko

Got the tun.ko and smashed it into the kernel using:

cp tun.ko /lib/modules/5.4.70-v1.3.4-rm11x/kernel/drivers/net/
echo "kernel/drivers/net/tun.ko" >> /lib/modules/5.4.70-v1.3.4-rm11x/modules.dep
modprobe tun

And it worked! netbird status said connected!

Dropbear SSH

I added my existing backup key to the reMarkable, and got “SSH error something something”. SSH is also weird, I can not add -vvv to my SSH commands 🤯. ssh -v Dropbear SSH 🤯! I guess I should not have bought that drop bear repellent 25 years ago.

Dropbear SSH seems nice and lightweight. It really wants its own keyformat thing, so I used dropbearkey to generate a new key. Like this:

dropbearkey -f ./id_dropbear -t ed25519 -s 256

Added the printed public key to the Synology, and rsync finally works!

No cron on the reMarkable though; sigh; off to learn systemd timers…

On the streets of Facebook

Facebook is the only social network I use for anything serious. I wish it was more like the forums from 20-15 years ago, but I digress. Lately my Facebook got filled with more and more Suggested for you nonsense. Previously I used the hide feature on those, and that partly worked for a while, but now it just leads to more and more fringe stuff appearing. Eventually I conjured up some energy to deal with it.

What Stable diffusion should have come up with for the promt: Facebook Suggested for you on a good day.

I do not trust random browser plugins, so I decided to look into writing it myself. Firefox makes that very easy. This small snippet made Facebook acceptable again.

//Stupid flag to only run removal after some time, and not on each observed update
var mut = false;

//Get rid of "Suggested for you", probably needs customization everytime FB adds more divs ;) , worked on 19 Mar 2023!
function removeShit() {
	if(mut == true) {
		for (const span of document.querySelectorAll("span")) {
		  if (span.textContent.includes("Suggested for you")) {
		    console.log("Hide all the nonsense")
		    //The hardest part of all this is counting all that nesting, what is going on here.
		    var pr = span.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement
		    if( != "none") { = "none";
	} else {
		//console.log("No crap seen yet")

//Observe the entire doc
const targetNode = document

//Observe all the crap
const config = { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true };

// Execute on observe
const callback = (mutationList, observer) => {
  for (const mutation of mutationList) {
    if (mutation.type === "childList") {
    } else if (mutation.type === "attributes") {

const observer = new MutationObserver(callback);

// Start observing
observer.observe(targetNode, config);

//Interval to check for site changes and remove stuff.
const intervalID = setInterval(removeShit, 100);

As always, use at your own peril.

Facebook will still spice it all up with the ineffable timeline ordering, and still eats all the datas.

Expanding the disk on a QEMU run Ubuntu VM

A few days ago I started up an Ubuntu VM to run some silly experiment. Suddenly I needed a bit more space though, and instead of creating a new disk I decided to expand the current one instead. This took some time to figure out, so posting it here for my future self and others who possibly might want to do this.

Since there was nothing of real importance on this VM, I did most steps on the VM while it was running. Take backups if you attempt this and care about your data, I am not sure all of it is safe.

I am running QEMU using UTM on my M1 mac, and the .qcow2 files get put somewhere deep in the users Library folder by default. Once I found the file, I shut down the VM and did this on the host:

qemu-img resize disk-0.qcow2 50G

Then I started the VM, installed gparted and expanded the partition. df still reported the disk to be 90% full though. Eventually I figured that I also needed to expand the logical volume. The command to do this was:

sudo lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/mapper/<volume name>

But still df reported the volume to be full. Seems the ext4 filesystem also needs to be expanded. This did the job:

sudo resize2fs /dev/mapper/<volume name>

Finally df reports lots of free space! Sweet!

At the beginning, I shut down the VM before I did the first resizing of the .qcow2 file. I am not sure that was necessary. The next time I need to expand a disk on an unimportant VM, I will try without shutting it down for sure.

A very welcome type-safe builders surprise

When Kotlin 1.0 came out, I tried type-safe builders a bit, with mixed feelings. They are a great way to create simple declarative DSLs for building hierarchies, but using them used to be quite a pain.

The main problem was that as the nesting got deeper, the DSL API would include methods from all the scopes. Only some of those methods were usable in the current scope. This was infuriating to use, since if you used a method in the wrong scope, it would often cause wrong behavior instead of an error. Here is an example using a simple XML DSL:

DSL gone bad example
A tag inside an attribute, WAT…

It makes no sense to have a tag inside an attribute, but this would not fail, but instead cause the below XML document to be created. It is valid XML, but probably not what was intended given the above nesting.

Resulting weird XML

Yesterday I needed to do create some XML, and I remembered type-safe builders to be great for this. I quickly whipped together the simple API above for that, but again was confronted with the scoping problem. Initially I figured out a very hacky way to provide nice errors at runtime, but then I thankfully read up on the Kotlin documentation, and in Kotlin 1.1, the @DslMarker annotation was added to ensure that only methods in the current builder scope is visible.

This moves type-safe builders from good to awesome in my book.

DSL now fails to compile
With @DslMarker annotation, the tag is not visible in the attribute scope, and this nonsense fails to compile.

I am late to the party, but this feels like a change that is easy to miss, and that does not get enough attention. Superb of the Kotlin team to address things like these!

♥ Princesses versus giraffes ♥

TLDR; I’m writing a coop multiplayer game with my daughter, this is the current result! Works in Firefox and Chrome. Use arrows to move and space to fire. Share a URL to play with a friend.

Some years ago, my daughter figured out I made some computer games, and she even played one of them quite a bit. After a while she wanted something new, and we figured we’ll make a game together. She would draw concepts and come up with ideas, and I would try to make them happen in game.

The initial concepts she drew were these:

We then together made them into vector with some modifications.

Princess and "giraffe"
A princess and a giraffe… I guess

Tips on kid friendly vector drawing programs would be very much appreciated, throw me an email or post a comment. We used Sketch, but Sketch is a bit overwhelming and distracting with all its features. I want a program which only have bezier patches and transformations on them, as well as fill, stroke and possibly opacity settings.

Going from concepts to a prototype

I had been wanting to try compile to JS with Kotlin for a while, so I started a project in IntelliJ and quickly threw something together using a plain HTLM5 Canvas.

We drew some more concepts, and after some evenings implementing we had an infinite randomly generated castle, an arrow firing princess, a hyperactive bow carrying giraffe, and a bunch of collision detection bugs (yay for rolling your own).

Wriggling out of hard requirements

After a lot of fun triggering bugs, my daughter came up with some new requirements.

I want to play with my friends, and we should all be princesses!

These are sort of hard to implement, disregarding networking, it would mean a total rewrite of how the world generation and camera worked. It would also need a solution for how to avoid someone getting stuck due to the camera movement of others and so on.

Those giraffes are in for a surprise.

After some bargaining we made some new concepts, and we agreed to add a player controlled cloud, and a bunch of new giraffes.

Adding networking

For me this meant that I would need to add some kind of networking to the game. For browser games, the choices are:

  1. Communicate with a server using WebSocket and have that relay state, or run the game on the server.
  2. Negotiate a WebRTC datachannel, and send communication directly between the browsers.
  3. Have players install a browser extension like,and use it instead of WebSocket.

Since the game is cooperative, there is little reason to run the game on a server. Actually I really, really do not want to run the game on server, for a bunch of reasons, mostly for abuse and scaling troubles.

Using a server as a relay of state or input is also a bit funky, since it will introduce a lot of unnecessary latency. Since I am also willing to sacrifice some poor kids behind a symmetric NAT, I decided for option 2 and I have not regretted that.

I was cautious about doing this initially, since I had read this Gaffer on Games post which deemed WebRTC too complex, though that was in the context of server based architectures.

Having some more experience with WebRTC now, I agree a bit about the complexity, though I think it has gotten way better, especially with a more stable standard and more complete alternative implementations like rawrtc. I also ♥ how WebRTC abstracts away most of the P2P complications behind a very nice API.

Autorative peer or GGPO?

To share state in the game, I needed to come up with an architecture for networking. Initially I evaluated using something like GGPO, but in the end I chose to go with using the princess peer as an autorative peer, and sync the state to the cloud playing peer continuously, while the cloud peer only sends input. I chose this mostly for simplicity and time constraints. Since the game is cooperative, a lack of fairness is also not really a problem.

For the amount of work i put in, I am very pleased with how the networking worked out. Right now it is not tuned at all, just JSON over the datachannel, but even without tuning and no extra speculative integration, it has worked fairly well.

Where to go from here.

While the game is in a state of continuous updates, I think it is mostly just going to be small changes from now on. Maybe some sound effects and new graphics when we feel like it.

Rendering is currently also quite slow, and takes a lot of the frame budget. I would like to migrate to a framework with a WebGL based renderer. But sadly that seems like quite a bit of work, mostly due to using SVGs for graphics.

For future projects game projects, I will for sure start with a WebGL based framework, or possibly Unity tiny, and raster based images.

That is all for now, go and see how far you can get in our game!

One way to stop a 2D spaceship as fast as possible.

For a quite a while, I have wanted to try and create simple touch based interface for a 2D spaceship game. I want to allow the player to simply drag anywhere on the screen, and the spaceship moves to that position and direction in an efficient manner. Ideally the most efficient manner.

Spaceships in 2D games usually have one main engine that allows forward thrust, and some that allow rotation around the ships center of mass.

Moving from point A to B efficiently (in minimal time) is not trivial with such constraints, as changes to direction and thrust may have huge consequences for later possible movements due to inertia.

So instead of looking at the full A to B problem immediately, I wanted to look at something simpler first, namely to go from having velocity \(v_0\) and pointing in direction \(\theta_0\) to have 0 velocity as fast as possible.

The idea I use originally came from talking to a colleague, but something very similar sounding is mentioned in planning algorithms, though examples always seems to involve driftless systems. Anyway, my current approach involves these known quantities and assumptions:

  • \(a\) – Acceleration – The ship can only accelerate by a constant amount, and acceleration turns on and off instantly.
  • \(s\) – Turn speed – rotating the ship requires no acceleration, and the ship has constant rotation rate.
  • \(\theta_0\) – Initial orientation.
  • \(v_0\) – Initial velocity

These quantities allow me to find a legal, but very suboptimal way to stop. It simply involves to turn the ship to face its velocity vector, and then accelerate until it stops. Both the time needed to turn the ship \(t_a\) and the time \(t_m\) needed to turn and reverse the velocity are easy to calculate.

Turn until facing velocity and initiate burn at time \(t_a\). At \(t_m\) the ship has velocity 0.

It is also easy to see that this is suboptimal, it would clearly be faster, to start burning some time before the turn is fully completed, but the question is when to start the burn.

To allow for this freedom in my model, I therefore introduce a third time variable \(t_s\). \(t_s\) is the time to start turning and accelerating at the same time. \(t_a\) now becomes the time when I stop turning and only accelerate.

Turn and initiate burn after \(t_s\) time, at \(t_a\) time only accelerate. At \(t_m\) the ship has velocity 0.

Given these intervals, two integrals describe how the velocity will change when \(t_s\), \(t_a\) and \(t_m\) vary.

$$ v_x = \int_{t_s}^{t_a} a\cos(\theta_0+st)dt + \int_{t_a}^{t_m} a\cos(\theta_0+st_a)dt $$

$$ v_y = \int_{t_s}^{t_a} a\sin(\theta_0+st)dt + \int_{t_a}^{t_m} a\sin(\theta_0+st_a)dt $$

This gives two constraints, that must hold for all solutions of this kind.

$$ 0 = v_{0x} + \int_{t_s}^{t_a} a\cos(\theta_0+st)dt + \int_{t_a}^{t_m} a\cos(\theta_0+st_a)dt $$

$$ 0 = v_{0y} + \int_{t_s}^{t_a} a\sin(\theta_0+st)dt + \int_{t_a}^{t_m} a\sin(\theta_0+st_a)dt $$

The most efficient solution to this problem, is the \(t_s\), \(t_a\) and \(t_m\) triplet with the lowest value for \(t_m\).

This information allows me to formulate this as a optimization problem.

Since I want to minimise \(t_m\), the objective function simply becomes \({t_m}^2\).

This is subject to the two equality constraints given.

Since the objective and constraints are non-linear, I plug i into Optizelle which is a framework for solving non-linear optimization problems.

The implementation can be found on github, it uses autograd, to calculate derivatives and hessians. This is an incredible time saver since calculating 9 combinations of partial derivatives would have been a major pain, not to mention having to recalculate them whenever I did something wrong.

Running the program with inputs \(a=2.0\), \(\theta_0=0\), \(v_0=[2,0]\) and \(s=\frac{\pi}{2}\) returns:


The optimal point vector contains the values for \(t_s\),\(t_a\) and \(t_m\). This means that for a ship with the given input, it should start turning immediately, then start the burn after approximately 1.43 seconds, stop turning and only accelerate at 2.43 and finally be at rest after 2.57 seconds, approximately 0.43 seconds faster then the naive version.

To test the result, I implemented a quick and dirty javascript program that simulates these choices and renders to a canvas:

Sometimes the ships end up drifting a bit after the simulation has finished. This is due to the discrete nature of the simulation not perfectly emulating the continuous solution (I do not integrate rotation analytically in the simulation). This could also have been a problem if I applied this style of planning to a game that did the same, from the simulation above it looks negligible though, which is great!

I am very happy with this result, it seems like it could work for the larger problem as well. The next step I’ll try, is to tackle some specific cases of moving from point A to B efficiently. For those cases there will be many more time variables involved, and possibly many constellations of safe initial starting points as well as possible freedoms to introduce in the model. It will be interesting to see how that works out.

Scary pitfalls when using Spring annotation based transactions

transactions and exceptions

Spring annotation based declarative transactions uses AOP to very easily add transactions around methods. Using it looks like this.

public Stuff createStuff(Input input) {
       Stuff stuff = new Stuff(input);
       return stuff;

Explained very quickly: If the method returns successfully then it commits, if a runtime exception passes the proxy boundary around the method, or if the transaction is marked rollback-only, then the transaction manager will do a rollback of the transaction.

It is incredibly easy to use, and it saves a lot of boilerplate compared to a more procedural approach where commit and rollback calls are specified explicitly. While useful, it comes with the cost of being tied to the scope of the annotated method, along with several other more hidden risks and costs.

Below are several examples of problematic code I have seen caused by annotation based transactions. Similar code examples and tests can be found in this repo on Github.

Catching exceptions in a transaction annotated method

In the method below, it is very easy to think that all errors are handled, and that this method will never throw, but if the transaction is marked as rollback only, this method will throw outside the try catch block. Breaking expectations and causing unexpected errors.

public Stuff createStuff(Input input) {
       Stuff stuff = null;
       try {
           stuff = new Stuff(input);
       catch(RuntimeException e) {
 "No problem…");
           //Do more stuff
       return stuff;

This is much more visible with a explicit transaction scope. I have seen this several times, even by experienced developers. These errors are hard to test for, and when they happen lead to very weird behaviour, since the exception is absolutely not expected where it suddenly occurs.

Order of proxies can change outcome of transaction

It is critical that AOP interceptors are stacked in a sensible order. We usually do not want to commit a transaction, and then get a timeout error from Hystrix. Or have the transaction commit, and then have validation constraints on the Stuff instance fail. Ask yourself. Do you know in which order each annotation will be applied here? Does everyone on your team know?

public Stuff createStuff(Input input) {
       Stuff stuff = new Stuff(input);
       return stuff;

The order by default is (though due to this Hystrix bug/feature validation will never be applied O_o) :

  • Transaction start
  • Hystrix
  • Validation
  • Validation
  • Hystrix
  • Transaction commit/rollback

It would be nice to have Hystrix outside the Transaction, since that avoids the transaction boundary when the short-circuit is open. This is possible with ordering the AOP interceptors,at the same time, it is important to avoid Validation happening outside the Transaction, since then we might commit and then throw an exception (typically a rollback is wanted if data is invalid).

Nested transactions joins existing transaction by default

This is very nefarious, and I have no idea why nesting transactions does not cause an exception by default.

The example that I think best shows this problem, is when you reuse a method in a service class which uses a transaction further down the call chain. That method uses a transaction to ensure it is rolled back if it throws an exception, but the calling method catches that exception and does some business decision based on the exception.

Now along comes an unsuspecting victim who has a transactional method that wants to use this method for some business purpose.

What happens now, is that the second transaction joins the first. Then an exception is thrown by one of the database queries in moveStuffInDB. That exception passes the first transaction boundary marking the transaction rollback only but is then caught. Processing continues, and then the exception reappears at the last boundary on commit. This means that the semantics of reusedMethod might have been changed a lot, and there is no way createStuff can see from the outside that this will happen.

public Stuff createStuff(Input input) {
       Stuff stuff = new Stuff(input);
       return stuff;

//A method in another class calling another transactional method.
public void reusedMethod(String input) {
     try {
     catch(RuntimeException e) {
         //Swallow exception and do some action

//Tx method with several db update calls
public void moveStuffInDB(String input) {

To add to the confusion, use checked exceptions

When a checked exception passes the boundary of an @Transactional annotated method, it does not cause rollback by default (it can be changed in the annotation though). Add Spring Batch, which will also start transactions that a nested transactions will happily join, and transaction outcomes become even more foggy and hard to reason about.

I think using nested transactions usually is a bad idea, and it should be an opt in feature. In the normal case throwing an exception if a transaction within a transaction is encountered seems sensible to me.

Lambdas provide a much better API for transactions

In any language with good support for lambdas, I think it is very natural to do declarative transaction management using them. Spring sort of supports this, but you need to depend on a platformTransactionManager and a TransactionTemplate. This seems weird to me, given that the annotation based transactions does not make you depend on these.

With lambdas, transactions can be done like below (example is using Kotlin). This is declarative, while providing explicit transaction boundaries. It is therefore very easy to catch around the transaction, and the transaction does not have an unclear order when combined with other annotations.

fun createStuff(stuff : Input ) : Stuff {
       return doInTransaction { //Explicit tx scope
           val stuff = new Stuff(input);

fun multipleTransactionsInMethod(stuff : Input ) : Stuff {
       val res = doInTransaction {
           val stuff = dao.storeStuff(stuff);

       val res2 = doInTransaction {
           val stuff = dao2.storeStuff(stuff);

       try {
           doInTransaction {
       } catch(e : RuntimeException) {
           //Handle stuff

Along with the previously mentioned advantages, this also makes transactions much more visible, and allows easy inspection of the transaction code by developers.

To be honest I am a bit uncertain how good it is to rely on exceptions passing boundaries to do rollback in the first place, but if that is the chosen way, I think the above approach is much better then annotation based transactions. I am really looking forward to try Exposed, which is an ORM tool from JetBrains that seems to go in this direction.

Learning what WebRTC SDP a=setup values mean

My very hacky webRTC datachannel implementation stopped working a while back, and I could not figure out why.

The way it behaved was hard to understand. Signaling worked as expected, and I received a STUN on the correct port and responded to that. Both Firefox and Chrome reported the response as fine, and kept sending new STUN heartbeats at the normal rate, but no DTLS handshake was initiated.

Initially i thought something was really broken with my STUN/DTLS multiplexing, but I soon figured out that it behaved as expected.

This meant I was probably sending some wrong parameter during signaling, but what?

This is the SDP of my answer to the given offer from the browser.

o=- 1234567 2 IN IP4
t=0 0
a=group:BUNDLE data
a=msid-semantic: WMS
m=application 51410 DTLS/SCTP 5000
c=IN IP4
a=candidate:1 1 udp 2113937151 51410 typ host
a=fingerprint:sha-256 C9:E2:48:09:47:C8:CC:B3:51:A8:A1:C5:AA:63:51:26:50:1D:FF:76:AE:EF:CB:31:0C:E7:41:21:5A:11:FA:D5
a=sctpmap:5000 webrtc-datachannel 1024

SDPs are confusing to me, and figuring out what stuff really means in WebRTC context is a lesson in reading RFCs with a microscope, while always wondering if this is the correct RFC for this concrete problem.

Suddenly it dawned on me that it seemed like both sides were waiting for the other side to initiate the DTLS handshake.

It turned out this was the problem:


Since i responded with actpass in my answer SDP, the browser could not know if it wanted to initiate DTLS or not, and I guess it defaults to passive now. actpass is an illegal response value according to this RFC, and defaulting to passive is probably more correct then active. Setting a=setup:passive fixed the issue, since that tells the browser to be the initiating party.

Good times.

Writing a WebRTC data channel implementation

After looking at webtorrent a while ago I really wanted to dig deep down into WebRTC to see how it actually worked. WebRTC is a web standard that allows two browsers to set up a peer to peer connection (usually browsers only talk through intermediary servers). It also brings unreliable and unordered networking to the browser, which is great for some kinds of applications.


Searching for WebRTC and Java on Github mostly gave me some very simple applications that use a Java server to set up a peer to peer application between two browsers. There also seemed to be some unmaintained JNI wrappers for the WebRTC libs. What I wanted was a pure Java WebRTC implementation so that I could talk directly to the browser more on my terms.

Since this was lacking I decided to try to write my own Java WebRTC implementation. To limit the scope, I decided that I would only try to talk to Firefox, and only support an unordered unreliable DataChannel. Which is WebRTC’s greatest selling point for me. What I ended up with can be found on my profile on GitHub. It is not pretty or solid, but it sort of works.


WebRTC is made up of bunch of protocols: ICE (to establish communication), STUN (binding and NAT traversal), DTLS (encryption), SCPT (over UDP) (message flow control), TURN (fallback for difficult network situations, which I have chosen to ignore).

The initial part of starting a WebRTC connection uses the ICE protocol, the ICE protocol is typically carried out over an encrypted WebSocket connection, though you can use encrypted pigeons if you like.

To be honest I have not looked a lot at ICE, but the parts most relevant for WebRTC works a bit like this:

  • A goes: This is my password and certificate signature, this is referred to as an offer.
  • B goes: This is my password and certificate signature, this is referred to as an answer.
  • Then A and B send each other different options of connectivity as candidates. I am currently blissfully ignorant of how this is supposed to work, in my current implementation I just send the first candidate from the browser and replace IP, port and auth data in the response.

The message format used in the browsers WebRTC implementation for offers and answers is JSON containing an SDP. The SDP contains tons of information that is not used (afaik). The values I have touched are marked in green below, for more information about the fields, this is a great overview.

The green highlights the important parts of the offer and candidate
The important parts of the offer and candidates, this is SDPARTA!

Important SDP values:

  • fingerprint:sha-256 – DTLS certificate sha-256 fingerprint.
  • ice-pwd – Your chosen password for STUN.
  • ice-ufrag – Your chosen user for STUN.
  • 58713 – Your offered address and port.


Once candidates have been exchanged, a STUN binding request is sent to establish connectivity, this request must be responded to with a binding response with a xor mapped address. The received message integrity hash is a HMAC-SHA1 which can be checked against the message hashed with the ice-pwd as key.


After the STUN the next step is a DTLS handshake. Thank you Legion of the Bouncy Castle, without you I would have given up here.

Over the same UDP socket where DTLS is running, STUN must be multiplexed. STUN is here used to send “consent” requests every X seconds. If you do not respond to the STUN the browser reports ICE error and shuts down the connection. Bouncy Castle DTLS will silently drop these STUN “consent” packets, so this was a pain to figure out and debug.


Once the DTLS is set up an SCTP connection is initiated. SCTP can be configured to work in all constellations of ordered/unordered and reliable/unreliable.

SCTP over UDP challenges

With SCTP over UDP several issues crop up. My main languages are all JVM based (Kotlin, Java). There is no SCTP implementation in Java, but there is an API for the systems SCTP. The API is very hard to integrate with an UDP socket though (I tried a bit, but it seemed very hard), so the simpler solution is probably to use a userland C lib like the one used by libjitsi.

Sadly i did not know libjitsi existed so I started hacking my own SCTP implementation in Java land. Way more fun…

Writing my own SCTP implementation

The SCTP spec is mostly ok, if a bit unclear in some parts. Once I found the SCTP parameter list it got better. It should also be mentioned that SCTP uses a CRC32C for checksums, this differs from the one used by STUN. This took me quite a while to figure out.

I currently have a very minimal “working” SCTP implementation. Meaning that it can talk to a browser, but does not shut down nicely, and does not do congestion control, and does not handle resends properly. These are very tricky areas to do well, and I have no clue, so I will probably change to use the lib used by libjitsi.

Getting the all important firefox logs

To not go in blind when debugging, logging from the connected browser is invaluable. This is my script to run firefox with WebRTC logging. The different modules can be turned on and off by not including them in the NSPR_LOG_MODULES. It took me a while to figure out the correct modules, so hopefully this helps someone else.

dat=`echo ~`
export NSPR_LOG_FILE=$path
export NSPR_LOG_MODULES='signaling:5,mtransport:5,SCTP:5'
export R_LOG_LEVEL=9
export R_LOG_DESTINATION=stderr
open /Applications/

Where is the code?

If this was interesting and you want to take a look at the source code. It is available on my GitHub profile.

Webtorrent; we get signal.

Lately I have been looking into WebRTC which is an open standard for real time communication between browsers. It allows communication styles in the browser which previously were not possible.

WebTorrent uses WebRTC for a protocol similar to bittorrent. Instead of having to download a program or install a browser plugin, you can download a webtorrent (which currently must be seeded as a webtorrent, by forexample directly in the browser.

To test Webtorrent, I made a small javascript project. WT-widgets, is a collection of graphics for starting webtorrent downloads and showing download progress. Below is an example where you can download Artifact for Mac OS X using webtorrent.

No seeds

If there are no seeds, you can seed the file yourself by visiting the differently styled button below. This button uses a feature of WT-widgets that does a fallback to XMLHttpRequest after 5 seconds. When it is finished downloading the file, it will start seeding. Then the first button should work, since there is a seed.

The file will be downloaded in your browser, and you can then copy it to your filesystem by clicking the link that appears when the file finished downloading. This does not follow the usual download flow, so one of the aims of WT-widgets is to ensure that it clear to the user that a download is happening. I am not sure how well my widgets succeed in that regard, as my current widgets might not be the best at communicating that there is a download happening.

Suggestions or pull requests with fixes/additions are always welcome. I hope to expand WT-widgets with some widgets that show progress horizontally, as well as some widgets that more clearly show when it is in the different states of a download.

What Webtorrent sorely needs

While seeding in the browser works great, I do not want to have a browser fired up at all times to ensure there are seeds for my content. The best option I found for seeding webtorrents was webtorrent-hybrid, but when I tried it, I sadly could not get it to build.

Once Webtorrent has a solid solution for server side bootstrap seeding, I think it is will become a great alternative for distributing some kinds of content.

Take off every ‘ZIG’!!