First Post!

It is alive!

My blog has its first post, and all is well.

As a first post I’d like to share the current status of my game as well as some interesting CG topics I would like to look into during summer.


My game is called Artifact, and it is an arcade style game. For those who have played Ambrosia Software’s Barrack, my game is very similar, and it was major inspiration for creating this game. The game itself is pretty similar, but introduces some different challenges and a system for better resource management, making the player more in control of the resources he or she has access to.

At this moment the game is fully playable and quite fun. What is left is balancing, and adding sound. The big issue is sound since this is a topic where I have no experience. Hopefully there will be some progress in that domain during summer, so that I can release the game itself this fall or winter.

Summer CG

During this summer I also have some projects that I’d like to finish. During the last semester I implemented a weighted k-means algorithm for creating stipple images. The algorithm was made using GPU through OpenCL for computation. The algorithm worked nicely in Mac OS X, but when transfered to Windows(the assignment used a windows only application) it stopped working properly and instead started crashing when I used above 200 points, though I had tested it on the same graphics card in Mac OS X with 5000 points. Since I had no time to fix it during the semester and I really want to make it work, this summer I will try and create an application to turn any image or animation into a stippled video or animation. I have decided to make it in C++ and QT since I feel I need to be more comfortable with C++.

I also want to test the image space ambient occlusion on some models, and see how well it would function for different types of games.

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Hacker and developer that loves to explore topics related to informatics, software engineering, mathematics, graphics, games, science.

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